What is Sophrology ?

Sophrology is a body-mind training that helps us restore our well-being.

It's a powerful mix of dynamic relaxation and guided meditation


Sophrology was developed in the 1960’s by a neuropsychiatrist, Pr Caycedo. It combines western sciences (neurosciences, psychology, relaxation) and eastern techniques (yoga, zen, meditation).

Today, Sophrology is well-established in Continental Europe and emerging in the UK

Sophrology is widely spread especially in France, Spain, Belgium and Swizterland. Some French and Switz health insurance companies cover Sophrology sessions.

It is commonly practised in hospitals, schools, in the workplace and for athletes’ mental preparation

of French people

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of Sophrology


of French people

who have heard

about Sophrology

have a positive image of it

of French people have already experienced


11 million

Have a look at these press articles to make up your mind


+ Physical, mental and emotional balance 

+ Stress and tension release

+ Clear, alert and focused mind

+ Strengthened inner resources and abilities (confidence, focus, resilience ...)

Sophrology gives you soft but powerful techniques to better cope with everyday life, better deal with challenging situations, perform at your best when you want to and make choices aligned with your values.